Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Once More, Around the World

It's time once again for ... The Din & Tonics' World Tour! As the only current member who went on the 2010 tour, I thought I'd kick the blogging off this time around.

There's something surreal about the prospect of getting to do this crazy thing not once, but twice. Scratch that, it seems pretty much impossible. But then again, the reality of what we were doing never quite hit me last time, either: 10 weeks, your best friends, and the world... it's pretty hard to believe. And now, I guess lightning is going to strike a second time. This time, I'd like to think I'm going through this a few years older and a little bit wiser, but honestly, I just feel the same childish excitement all over again. For me, this tour will be quite a bit more tour-managing and not quite as much sitting back and staring wide-eyed at the unfolding craziness. That means more emails, more phone calls, and more scheduling to make sure there are no more easyJets or Cypruses. But I've had an extremely able crew of fellow tour-planners with me: Grant, Kai, Rafic, Ryan, Sean, and Jack. Of course, the snafus are bound to happen, and they'll end up on this blog sooner or later. But that's what makes it an adventure!

So to all the alumni, friends, family, and fans of Dins out there, we welcome you to follow us around the world through our blog. And on my part, in the spirit of my 4th of July entry from last time around, I'll try to make it as tasty a trip for you all as I can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Phileas! Go Passepartout!